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Summary Page

What if we could simplify even more the identification of a problem in software delivery processes?

Since we created Axify, our goal has always been to equip teams to better collaborate daily. All for the benefit of product success! Your feedback (much appreciated, by the way!) led us to question the visibility various key performance indicators provide. Then we had an idea. What if we could make identifying a problem even simpler and faster? 

For a Team Lead to set goals and track progress , they must first understand the situation. A recurring feedback from our users was the difficulty of interpreting the metrics and the lack of time to analyze what is most important.

Thus was born the Summary page, Axify's newest landing page that will allow you to see the essential elements before entering in-depth analysis mode. No need to analyze all the charts to see what needs your attention! Our multi-axis overview allows you to see the whole story at a glance.

Goal tracking

Set inspiring goals and target key performance indicators to monitor their progress, as well as the desired percentage of improvement for each. This can be Axify data (such as flow or DORA metrics) or external data (such as NPS score or user numbers).

Team Morale

Provides a view of the most recent daily survey data so you can take action with your team faster. On this page, movements in scores are seen more quickly (last response vs. historical view of a few weeks on the morale page) to allow you to grasp issues in real-time and act quickly. This is our way of putting people back at the heart of the process!

DORA Metrics

Provides an overall snapshot of the health of your delivery process. DORA metrics are important for identifying problems because they are a thermometer of your delivery performance. In addition, they are a trusted reflection of the actual situation on the front line, as external factors do not easily influence them.


Presents essential items to look at based on their level of variation and context. This is a preliminary analysis of the data to provide you with possible avenues of investigation.

Page sommaire - Objectif - Version anglaise-1

This new page is now active for all our users. So you can check it out to get a better overview of your projects. Please get in touch with us if you're not yet an Axify user and want to shift into Axify gear! And to continue to offer you features that meet your needs and reality, we need you! So from the Axify Summary page, you'll see a survey with two very simple questions that will help us improve the platform.

You will certainly have noticed the red button on the right of the screen that allows you to share your impressions with us anytime. You can also :

No matter how you prefer to give feedback, we are here to listen!