DORA Metrics
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How to implement DORA Metrics

Guide to Implementing DORA Metrics

In today’s fast-paced tech world, DevOps success is imperative for the overall success of an organization. It ensures faster delivery, improved quality, and a better customer experience. But how do you measure DevOps success? Well, you use DORA metrics. They can help you quantify the efficiency and effectiveness of your DevOps practices.

In this piece, we will show you how to implement DORA metrics so you can unlock the true potential of DevOps.

Understanding DORA metrics

DORA metrics are key performance indicators developed by Google's DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) team. They enable organizations to evaluate and improve their software delivery process and performance. 

The four DORA metrics are:

  1. Deployment frequency: Measures how often new code is deployed to production. A higher frequency indicates more frequent updates and improvements.
  2. Lead time for changes: This calculates the time it takes for a code change to be committed and deployed in production. Shorter lead times mean faster delivery of new features and fixes.
  3. Change failure rate: Tracks the percentage of deployments that cause a failure or rollback in production. Lower rates suggest more reliable changes.
  4. Failed deployment recovery time, aka Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR): Measures the time it takes to recover from a failure in production. A lower value signifies a team’s ability to identify and fix issues quickly.

Benefits of DORA Metrics for Software Delivery

By tracking DORA metrics, your team can unlock several benefits, such as:

  • Decrease time to market: DORA metrics highlight bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your development pipeline. You can use these insights to streamline processes, automate tasks, and dramatically reduce the time it takes to get new features into your customers' hands.
  • Release more reliable builds: Tracking DORA metrics lets you pinpoint which deployments are causing instability. This allows you to laser-focus on improving code quality and testing practices in those specific areas, resulting in more reliable builds your users can depend on.
  • Make data-driven optimizations: Gone are the days of gut feelings and guesswork. DORA metrics offer a wealth of data you can use to make informed decisions about your software delivery process. You can identify improvement avenues based on concrete data and adapt your optimizations accordingly.
  • Improve incident management: Tracking MTTR can help you identify areas for improvement in your incident response. This translates to better incident management and faster recovery times.

Main Steps to Integrate DORA Metrics into Your Development Pipeline

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to implement DORA metrics into your development workflows:

Set Up Data Collection

Reliable data is the foundation of DORA metrics. Start by gathering information from the different stages of your development pipeline, including commits, builds, deployments, and incident responses. Ensure that you capture data accurately and consistently across multiple sources.

For a comprehensive view, document multiple source control management (SCM) systems, deployment sources, and incident tracking tools. Instrument these sources to aggregate data together for a unified perspective.

Define and Categorize Incidents

Incidents are of different types. Clearly define and categorize them to ensure accurate tracking. For example, here are some categories:

  • Application errors: Issues detected in the application during runtime are often tracked with tools like Sentry.
  • Observability issues: Problems impacting application performance or infrastructure, often identified through monitoring and observability tools like NewRelic.
  • CI/CD build failures: Failures during continuous integration and delivery processes affect the build or deployment pipeline.

It’s crucial to have mechanisms to document and categorize all the different types of incidents effectively. It will provide clarity in your metrics analysis.

Integrate Tools and Automate

For a streamlined implementation, you’ll need to integrate a suite of tools into your pipeline. For example:

  • CI/CD Tools: Like Jenkins or GitLab CI for automated builds and deployments.
  • Collecting and tracking: Like Axify or Grafana for collecting data from multiple sources and performing benchmark analysis.
  • Source control management: Like Git or GitLab for tracking code changes and commits.
  • Incident management: Like ServiceNow, PagerDuty or Opsgenie for managing and tracking incident responses.

Define Baselines and Targets

First, performance baselines for each DORA metric will be established using historical data to drive improvement. Based on these baselines, set realistic targets, remembering that the goal is continuous improvement rather than immediate perfection. Also, distinguish metrics for specific projects, but ensure you can filter views to focus on individual teams. Filtering helps track contributions specific to team members, which provides a clearer picture of team performance.

Analyze and Act

Regularly analyze the collected data to identify trends, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement. Use the gleaned insights to make informed decisions. For example:

Analyze: You notice that an increase in change failure rate coincides with a rise in deployment frequency. The investigation reveals that your releases are not being adequately tested and that the rollout process has not been refined. 

Act: To address this, you set up automated testing for higher-quality releases and use canary deployments for more controlled rollouts.

Foster a Culture of Collaboration and Continuous Improvement

Encourage open communication and a blameless culture that focuses on solving problems rather than assigning blame. Continuous improvement should be a core value. Regularly review DORA metrics with your team, celebrate successes, and discuss ways to tackle challenges.

Regular Review and Assessment

The DevOps landscape is constantly evolving.  Schedule regular reviews to assess the effectiveness of your DORA metrics implementation and adapt your approach as needed. Continuous monitoring and reassessment will help you maintain and improve your DevOps performance.

Best Practices for Implementing DORA Metrics Within Your Engineering Team

Here are some best practices to ensure that your engineering team gets the most out of DORA metrics:

Automate as Much as Possible

Automation is critical to a successful DORA metric implementation. Tools like Axify can integrate with Jira, GitLab, Azure DevOps, and other products to automate data collection and tracking. Use them to reduce your manual effort and free up your team’s time for improvement efforts.

dora metrics dashboard in axify

Build a Centralized Dashboard and Share with Everyone

Create a centralized dashboard that displays all DORA metrics. Make this dashboard accessible to the entire team so that everyone can see the current state of the pipeline and track progress toward goals. Transparency begets collaboration and accountability.

Adapt the Definition of "Production" for Mobile Applications

The production environment is often the app store for mobile app development, which isn't always under your direct control. Consider your final testing environment—like pre-production or an internal store—as your "production" for tracking DORA metrics. This lets you measure your team's performance without waiting for the app store release.

Integrate Metrics into Team Workflows

Don’t treat DORA metrics as an afterthought. Instead, weave them into your team's daily workflows. Regularly discuss metric trends during stand-up meetings, retrospectives, or code reviews. In Axify, you can break down lead time for changes into its four sub-phases: coding, pickup, review, and deployment. While DORA metrics are lagging indicators, focusing on these sub-phases can help identify bottlenecks in the pull request lifecycle. By examining why pull requests take longer, you can address specific issues and make actionable improvements that will positively impact your DORA metrics.

Focus on Continuous Delivery and All Four Metrics

While each DORA metric is important, it’s crucial to consider them together, especially as you aim for continuous delivery. Smaller changes lead to faster lead times and quicker resolution of incidents, which enhances overall stability. You can improve all four DORA metrics by focusing on continuous delivery.

Find and Work with Change Advocates

Identify and empower champions within your engineering team who understand the value of DORA metrics and can advocate for their adoption. These people can help educate others, address concerns, and maintain a collective focus on achieving DORA goals.

Common Mistakes When Implementing DORA Metrics

Next, let’s discuss some common pitfalls that you should avoid when implementing DORA metrics:

Focusing Only on Metrics, Not Improvement

DORA metrics should be used to enhance team performance, not to measure individual achievements. Think of your development workflow as a system rather than focusing on metrics individually. For example, if too many pull requests (PRs) are idle, it may indicate that your team’s work-in-progress (WIP) limit is too high, and nobody has time to review the PRs. In this case, the problem would be not having a limit on WIP.

Lack of Data Standardization

A common mistake is interpreting DORA metrics without a unified standard. When each team calculates their metrics differently, it leads to varying definitions, starting points, and endpoints. This inconsistency makes it hard to compare performance accurately across teams. To avoid this, it’s essential to use a standardized approach where everyone shares the same definitions for each metric.

Insufficient Data Collection

Inaccurate or inconsistent data collection can undermine the effectiveness of DORA metrics. Relying on manual processes or failing to integrate automated tools can lead to incomplete or incorrect data. Ensure that you build a robust and automated data collection mechanism.

Misalignment with Business Goals

Don’t focus on DORA metrics without aligning them with your business goals. Metrics should support your strategic objectives, like improving customer satisfaction, increasing market responsiveness, or enhancing product quality. Misalignment can lead to wastage of resources on initiatives that don’t drive meaningful change. 


DORA metrics are a great way to gauge the efficiency and success of your DevOps team. This post covered the steps for successfully implementing a DORA pipeline and shared best practices to guide you. We hope you found this information useful. 

If you want to visualize your team’s DORA metrics, book a demo with one of our product specialists here.


How often should DORA Metrics be reviewed?
Regularly - Aim for weekly or bi-weekly analysis to identify trends and course-correct quickly.
Can small Teams benefit from implementing DORA Metrics?
Yes, small teams and teams of all sizes can benefit from DORA metrics, as they help identify bottlenecks, improve efficiency, and enhance release quality.
What common challenges do organizations face with DORA Metrics?
Common challenges include data collection inefficiencies, lack of contextual understanding, and misalignment with business goals.